Friday, April 20, 2012

Birth of a Column

What we're really talking about here is inspiration. I've never been a big "ideas person." As a journalist, you can put me on a story and I'll unravel every string, even if it takes two years and hundreds of articles to do it. If you're looking for that clever trend, or numbers-tell-the-story piece, I can do those to. But, the idea is not originating in my head.

Columns are a different story, though. Ideas come to me when I don't expect it. They pop up from the back of my mind while I'm in that half-awake stupor sitting on the side of the bed in the morning. Or, they show up while I'm mowing the lawn or fixing a broken toilet.

Back to the headline, this post is really pulling back the curtain on the birth of a column. From idea to done was an hour or less. I think I can sell it to a website for 50 bucks. If so, that's middle management wages in some industries and not bad for a trifle of an idea and a few thousand keystrokes.

So, I was thinking about my upcoming birthday, when I'll turn 50. Then I was thinking about if there were any movies I'd like to see this weekend. The two thoughts collided to produce this: My generation will know it has slipped over the hill when Clooney, Pitt and Cruise can no longer get work.

From that can the idea of how generations have seen their peers in popular culture, rise, age and fall. My column idea is, Aging and Popular Culture. If it sells, I'll put a link here for you to read.

Meanwhile, where do you get your ideas for writing projects? When and how do they come to you. Please share in the comments below.

Next: Writing as Therapy

1 comment:

  1. Good post, Gary. I like your idea. Pop culture, I love it. I get my ideas for writing at the most random times, usually when I'm not trying. They just come to me, usually in bed. A lot of times when I'm doing something that's not even related to writing.
